Lending Library
We have an extensive collection of books and other resources in our lending library on a wide range of topics relating to living, dying and grieving. We have books on specific kinds of loss and grief, self care, spirituality, supporting children and teens, traumatic grief, men’s grief, poetry, French books and more.
We invite you to come in to browse and have a cup of tea to see what books may be of help to you. You can also browse our library below.
Title | Author | Section | Code |
60 Second Shiatzu | Shaw, Eva | Energy Therapies | 1000.12 |
8 Minute Meditiation | Davich, Victor | Meditation | 134.38 |
9 Steps to Emotional Fitness | Redman, Warren | Emotional Health | 120.101 |
9 Ways of Working | Goldberg, Michael J | Emotional Health | 120.66 |
A Beginner's Guide to the End | Miller, BJ & Berger, S. | Death and Dying | 220.49 |
A Child's View of Grief | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Supporting a Child | 334.31 |
A Grief Observed | Lewis, C.S. | Audio | 500.14 |
A Last Goodbye | Kelsey, Elin | Loss of a Pet | 490.15 |
A New Earth | Tolle, Eckhart | Spiritual Health | 130.91 |
A Parent's Guide to Raising Grieving Children | Silverman and Kelly | Supporting a Child | 334.24 |
A Passage Through Grief | Baumgardner, Barbara | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.15 |
A Safe Place | Pike, Jennifer | Cancer | 212.34 |
A Time to Grieve | Staudacher, Carol | Meditation | 134.30 |
A Widow's Journey | Roper, Gayle | Loss of a Spouse | 440.12 |
A Year to Live | Levine, Stephen | Audio | 600.71 |
About What Was Lost | Gross, Jessica Berger | Perinatal Loss | 410.39 |
Accepting Your Power To Heal | Krieger, Dolores | Energy Therapies | 1000.01 |
Accompagner un jeune en deuil | Masson, Josee | French | 900.15 |
After Goodbye | Menten, Ted | General Bereavement | 300.56 |
After Life | Wilcox, Merrie-Ellen | Grieving Teens | 340.09 |
After Miscarriage | Danielson, Krissi | Perinatal Loss | 410.34 |
After The Darkest Hour, The Sun Will Shine Again | Mehren, Elizabeth | Loss of a Child | 420.04 |
After the Doctors...What Can You Do? | Garner, Ron | Physical Health | 110.17 |
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind | Chopra, Deepak | Physical Health | 110.02.B |
All in the End is Harvest | Whitaker, Agnes | Stories and Poems | 510.05 |
All Kinds of Love, Experiencing Hospice | Jaffe, Carolyn & Ehrlich, Carol H. | Death and Dying | 220.11 |
Alongside The Person In Pain | Fordham, Morva & Dunn, Virginia | Physical Health | 110.25 |
Always Looking Up | Fox, Michael | Illness | 210.04 |
Ambiguous Loss | Boss, Pauline | General Bereavement | 300.66.A |
American Book of Living and Dying | Groves, Richard | Death and Dying | 220.36.B |
An Empty Cradle A Full Heart | Lafser, Christine | Perinatal Loss | 410.31 |
An Open Heart | Lama, Dalai | Spiritual Health | 130.74 |
Anam Cara | O'Donohue | Spiritual Health | 130.78 |
Anatomy of the Spirit | Myss, Caroline | Spiritual Health | 130.94 |
Anguish Of Loss/Visual | Fritsch, Julie & Ilse, Sherokee | Stories and Poems | 500.11 |
Anxiety and Phobia Workbook | Bourne, Edmund J | Emotional Health | 120.20 |
Apprivoiser le deuil animalier | Pion, Lynne | French | 900.14 |
Apprivoisier le deuil animalier | Pion, Lynne | General Bereavement | 900.14 |
Art Of Condolence | Zunin, Leonard M./Zunin, Hilary Stanton | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.05 |
Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace | Kornfield, Jack | Meditation | 134.35 |
Art of Grief | Rogers, J. Earl | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.26 |
Art of Losing | Young, Kevin | Stories and Poems | 510.19 |
Art of Ritual | Beck, Renee & Metrick, Sydney Barbara | Ritual | 132.04 |
Art of Spiritual Healing | Sherwood, Keith | Energy Therapies | 1000.26 |
Artist's Way | Cameron, Julia | Journaling Resources | 2000.03 |
Astonishing Color of After | Pan, Emily X. R. | Grieving Teens | 340.16 |
Astonishing Power of Emotionis | Hicks, Esther & Jerry | Emotional Health | 120.83 |
At Home with Dying - A Zen Hospice Approach | Collett, Merrill | Palliative Care | 230.15 |
At Peace: Choosing a Good Death After a Long Life | Harrington, Samuel | Illness | 210.09.A |
At The Eleventh Hour - Caring for My Dying Mother | Stone, Susan Carol | Stories and Poems | 500.24 |
Attending the Dying: A Handbook of Practical Guidelines | Anderson, Megory | Palliative Care | 230.20.B |
Auguries | Roberts, Clea | Stories and Poems | 510.08 |
Awake at the Bedside | Ellison, Koshin Paley & Weingast, Matt | Palliative Care | 230.36 |
Awakening Compassion at Work | Worline, Monica C. & Dutton, Jane E. | Workplace Grief | 480.02 |
Awakening Compassion/ 6 disc series | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.34 |
Awakening from Grief | Welshons, John E | General Bereavement | 300.35.B |
Baby Boomers Face Grief | Galbraith, Jane | General Bereavement | 300.57 |
Badger's Parting Gifts | Varley, Susan | Children's Books | 332.35 |
Bearing the Unbearable | Cacciatore, Joanne | General Bereavement | 300.74 |
Beautiful | Fowler, Susi Gregg | Children's Books | 332.34 |
Beginner's Guide to the End | Miller, BJ & Berger | Palliative Care | 230.32 |
Beginnings: A Book For Widows | Wylie, Betty Jane | Loss of a Spouse | 440.02.A |
Being a Compassionate Companion | Ostaseski, Frank | Audio | 600.12 |
Being Human In The Face Of Death | Roth, Deborah & Levier, Emily | Palliative Care | 230.09 |
Being Mortal | Gawande, Atul | Palliative Care | 230.29 |
Being with Dying | Halifax, Joan | Audio | 220.31.A |
Beloved on the Earth | Perlman, Jim edited | Stories and Poems | 500.79 |
Bereaved Children and Teens | Grollman, Earl A. | Supporting a Child | 334.06 |
Bereavement: Counseling the Grieving throughout the Life Cyle | Crenshaw, David A. | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.11 |
Between the Moon | Kaltenbach, Evelyn | Stories and Poems | 500.75 |
Beverly, Right Here | DiCamillo, Kate | Grieving Teens | 340.11 |
Beyond Grief | Staudacher, Carol | General Bereavement | 300.77 |
Bittersweet | Cain, Susan | Emotional Health | 120.104 |
Blessing in Disguise | Cohen, Andrea Joy | Stories and Poems | 500.84 |
Blessings from the Other Side | Browne, Sylvia | After Death | 136.36 |
Body Electric | Becker, Robert & Selden, Gary | Energy Therapies | 1000.04 |
Bonjour Madame le Mort | Teulade, P. & Sarrazin, J-C. | French | 900.22 |
Book of Alternative Medicine | Mayo Clinic | Physical Health | 110.28 |
Book of Awakening | Nepo, Mark | Meditation | 134.22 |
Book of Chakras | Wauters, Ambika | Energy Therapies | 1000.15 |
Book of Joy | Dalai Lama & Tutu, Desmond | Spiritual Health | 130.88 |
Book of Secrets | Chopra, Deepak | Spiritual Health | 130.44 |
Book of the Vision Quest | Foster, Steven | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.08 |
Bouillon de poulet pour l'ame en deuil | Canfield, J. & Hansen, M.V. | French | 900.13 |
Boundless Energy | Chopra, Deepak | Physical Health | 110.09 |
Braiding Sweetgrass | Kimmerer, Robin Wall | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.28 |
Brain Rules | Medina, John | Physical Health | 110.33 |
Break | Vermette, Katherena | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.30 |
Breathing : The Master Key to Self Healing | Weil, Andrew | Audio | 600.69 |
Bridge to Terabithia | Paterson, Katherine | Children's Books | 332.67 |
Bright Hour | Riggs, Nina | Palliative Care | 230.34 |
Broken Open | Lesser, Elizabeth | Emotional Health | 120.60.B |
Buddha in Redface | Duran, Eduardo | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.14.A |
Buddha's Brain | Hanson, Rick | Emotional Health | 120.93 |
Buddhism Plain and Simple | Hagen, Steve | Spiritual Health | 130.46 |
Buddhism: The Religion of No Religion | Watts, Alan | Spiritual Health | 130.43 |
Burnout | Nagoski, Emily & Amelia | Emotional Health | 120.100 |
Cancer A Threat to Your Life? Or a Chance to Take Control of Your | Lewis, Dr Monica | Cancer | 212.25 |
Cancer Journals | Lorde, Audre | Cancer | 212.37 |
Cancer: 50 Essential Things to Do | Anderson, Greg | Cancer | 212.23.B |
Care for the Dying & the Bereaved | Gentles, Ian | Palliative Care | 230.31 |
Care of the Soul | Moore, Thomas | Spiritual Health | 130.61 |
Caring for Loved Ones at Home | van Bommel, Harry | Illness | 210.08.A |
Caring For The Patient With Cancer | American Cancer Society | Cancer | 212.03 |
Carry on Castle | Stults, Jennifer | Stories and Poems | 510.14 |
Catching Rainbows | Hemery, L.M. & White, J. | Children's Books | 332.14 |
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening | Bourgeault, Cynthia | Meditation | 134.23 |
C'est quoi la mort? | Piquemal, M. & Baas, T. | French | 900.33 |
Chakra Therapy | Sherwood, Keith | Energy Therapies | 1000.27 |
Changed by a Child (disability) | Gill, Barbara | Supporting a Child | 334.20 |
Chasing Daylight | O'Kelly, Eugene | Stories and Poems | 500.70 |
Checkout Time is Noon | Epstein, Robert | Stories and Poems | 500.86 |
Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy Survival Guide | McKay, Judith & Nancee Hirano | Cancer | 212.21 |
Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul | Canfield, Jack | Stories and Poems | 500.63 |
Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2 | Various authors | Stories and Poems | 500.66 |
Children and Grief | Worden, J. William | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.06 |
Children, Teens and Suicide Loss | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | Grieving Teens | 342.03 |
Children's Grief | Papenbrock, Patricia & Voss, R.F. | Supporting a Child | 334.02 |
Class In Room 44 | Blackburn, Lynn Bennett | Children's Books | 332.12.A |
Classic Scapbooking | Rosenbluth, Vera | Life Review | 232.08 |
Coma-Key To Awakening | Mindell, Arnold | Physical Health | 110.19 |
Coming to our Senses | Kabbat-Zinn, Jon | Meditation | 134.19 |
Companion Through the Darkness | Ericsson, Stephanie | Loss of a Spouse | 440.08 |
Companioning at a Time of Perinatal Loss | Heustis, Jane | Perinatal Loss | 410.30 |
Companioning the Bereaved | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 320.14.A |
Companioning the Dying | Yoder, Greg | Palliative Care | 230.28 |
Companioning You! | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Emotional Health | 120.75 |
Compassionate Practical Guide To Being a Widow | Caine, Lynn | Loss of a Spouse | 440.04 |
Compassionate Universe | Easwaran, Eknath | Spiritual Health | 130.68 |
Complete Book of Cancer Prevention | Prevention Magazine Books Editors | Cancer | 212.11 |
Conquer Pain the Natural Way | Chaitow, Leon | Physical Pain | 110.24 |
Conquering the Mysteries and Lies of Grief | Russell, Sherry | General Bereavement | 300.16 |
Conquest of Mind | Easwaran, Eknath | Spiritual Health | 130.67 |
Conscious Aging | Ram Dass | Audio | 600.90 |
Continuing Bonds | Klass, Dennis | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.09 |
Conversations at Midnight | Kramer, Herbert & Kay | Stories and Poems | 500.98 |
Coping Well: Positive Ways to Deal With Life Challenging Disease | Battino, Rubin | Physical Health | 110.21 |
Coping With Sudden Infant Death | Defrain, John | Perinatal Loss | 410.04 |
Coping with the Emotional Impact of Cancer | Fiore, Neil | Cancer | 212.29 |
Courage to Grieve | Tatelbaum, Judy | General Bereavement | 300.18 |
Coyote Medicine | Mehl-Madrona, Lewis | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.09 |
Cracking the Armour | Kaufman, Michael | Men's Grief | 450.08 |
Creating Meaningful Funeral Ceremonies | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Memorials | 222.03.A |
Creating Meaningful Funeral Experiences | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Memorials | 222.08 |
Creating Moments of Joy | Brackey, Jolene | Dementia | 216.02 |
Creating Right Relationships | Hover-Kramer, Dorothea | Energy Therapies | 1000.10 |
Creative Interventions for Bereaved Children | Lowenstein, Liana | Supporting a Child | 334.21 |
Creative Visualization | Gawain, Shakti | Meditation | 134.08 |
Cries from the Heart | Joahann, Christopher Arnold | Stories and Poems | 500.40 |
Crossing Over | Edward, John | After Death | 136.19 |
Crossing the Bridge | Metrick, Sydney | Ritual | 132.05 |
Crossing the Owl's Bridge | Bateman, Kim | General Bereavement | 300.65 |
Cry, Heart, But Never Break | Ringtved, Glenn | Children's Books | 332.49 |
Cultivating the Heart of Compassion | Ram Dass | Audio | 600.89 |
Customs & Traditons | Cloutier, Kathy | Memorials | 222.09 |
Dance of Anger | Lerner, Harriet | Emotional Health | 120.77 |
Dance of Intimacy | Lerner, Harriet | Emotional Health | 120.24 |
Dancing with a Ghost | Ross, Rupert | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.11.A |
Dancing With Elephants | Sawatsky, Jarem | Dementia | 216.09 |
Dandelion through the Crack | Sato, Kiyo | Stories and Poems | 510.12 |
Dandelions Blooming in the Cracks of Sidewalks | Lhamo, Amita | Stories and Poems | 500.100 |
Daring to Rest | Brody, Karen | Physical Health | 110.31 |
Dead Bird | Robinson, Christian | Children's Books | 332.61 |
Dead Moms Club | Spencer, Kate | Loss of a Parent | 430.12 |
Dear Life | Clarke, Rachel | Stories and Poems | 510.20 |
Dear Parents | Centering Corporation | Loss of a Child | 420.02 |
Death - The Final Stage of Growth | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Death and Dying | 220.13 |
Death and the Adolescent | Baxter, Grant & Stuart, Wendy | Supporting Teens | 342.01 |
Death Be Not Proud -A Memoir | Gunther, John | Stories and Poems | 500.29 |
Death is Stupid | Higginbotham, Anastasia | Children's Books | 332.77 |
Death Makes Life Possible | Schlitz, Marilyn | Death and Dying | 220.40 |
Death of a Husband | Lambin, Helen | Loss of a Spouse | 440.17 |
Death: A Personal Understanding Disc 1 | Kasternbaum, Robert | Video/DVD | 700.01.B |
Death: A Personal Understanding Disc 2 | Kasternbaum, Robert | Video/DVD | 700.02.A |
Deathing | Foos-Graber, Anya | Death and Dying | 220.34 |
Deconstruction Reconstruction A Grief Journal | Dougy Center | Grieving Teens | 340.15 |
Defy Gravity | Myss, Caroline | Spiritual Health | 130.73 |
Depression Book | Huber, Cheri | Emotional Health | 120.59.B |
Des souvenirs pour la vie | Jacques, Josee | French | 900.34 |
Destiny of Souls | Newton, Michael | After Death | 136.22.A |
Deuil: la boite a outils | Jacques, Josee | French | 900.18 |
Deuils perinataux, doulerus secretes | de Boisredon, Florence d'Assier | French | 900.12 |
Devenir proche aidant | Kergoat, M-J; Latour, J &Thorn, K. | French | 900.19 |
Dialogue with Death | Easwaran, Eknath | Spiritual Health | 130.15 |
Diamond in Your Pocket | Gangaji | Spiritual Health | 130.38 |
Disenfranchised Grief | Doka, Kenneth | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.13 |
Dissolving Pain | Fehmi, Les | Audio | 600.03 |
Diving Bell and the Butterfly | Video/DVD | 700.40 | |
Diving Bell and the Butterfly | Bauby, Jean-Dominique | Stories and Poems | 500.46 |
Dog Gone Addiction | Bristow, Becky | Video/DVD | 700.21.A |
Dog Songs | Oliver, Mary | Stories and Poems | 502 |
Don't Die, My Love | McDaniel, Lurlene | Stories and Poems | 500.35.A |
Don't Take my Grief Away | Manning, Doug | General Bereavement | 300.59 |
Dreamhealer2 | Adam | Physical Health | 110.27 |
Dreaming Beyond Death | Bulkeley, Kelly & Patricia | Death and Dying | 220.26.B |
Dying Dignified | Ruark, John | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.17 |
Dying Well | Byock, Ira | Death and Dying | 220.29 |
Dying: A Memoir | Taylor, Cory | Stories and Poems | 510.07.A |
Eastern Body Western Mind | Anodea, Judith | Energy Therapies | 1000.20 |
Education of Little Tree | Carter, Forrest | Stories and Poems | 500.68.A |
Embers | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.17.A |
Embraced by the Light | Eadie, Betty J. | After Death | 136.12.C |
Embracing Life After Loss | Klein, Allen | General Bereavement | 300.83 |
Emotional Intelligence | Goleman, Daniel | Emotional Health | 120.42 |
Empty Arms | Ilse, Sherokee | Perinatal Loss | 410.16.B |
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart | Davis, Deborah | Perinatal Loss | 410.01.B |
Empty Room | Devita-Raeburn, Elizabeth | Loss of a Sibling | 435.03 |
Encounters with Grief | Canadian Learning Co | Video/DVD - (STAFF) | 700.04.A |
End of Life Advisor | Dolan Susan R. & Vizzard Audrey R. | Palliative Care | 230.30 |
Ended Beginnings: Healing Childbearing Losses | Panuthos, Claudia & Romeo, Catherine | Perinatal Loss | 410.15.A |
Ended Beginnings: Healing Childbearing Losses | Panuthos, Claudia & Romeo, Catherine | Perinatal Loss | 410.15 |
Energetic Patterns | Scandrett-Hibdon, S. & Hardy, C. & Mentgen, J. | Energy Therapies | 1000.07 |
Enter Mourning | Menzies, Heather | Dementia | 216.04 |
Essential Enneagram | Daniels, David & Price, Virginia | Emotional Health | 120.69 |
Essential Tibetan Buddhism | Thurman, Robert | Spiritual Health | 130.51 |
Essentials in Hospice Palliative Care | Murray, Katherine | Palliative Care | 230.21.B |
Essesntial Reiki | Stein, Diane | Energy Therapies | 1000.18 |
Et Le Lapin M'a Ecoute | Doerrfeld, Cori | General Bereavement | 900.11 |
Ethics of Touch | Benjamin, Ben E. & Sohnen-Moe, Cherie | Energy Therapies | 1000.09 |
Everyday Meditator | Osho | Meditation | 134.14 |
Everything is Energy | McConville, Tim | Children's Books | 332.75 |
Excusez-moi, Je Suis En Deuil | Monbourquette, J & Daspremont, I | French | 900.01 |
Executor Help | Edey, David E. | General Bereavement | 300.92 |
Expecting Sunshine | Chute, Alexis Marie | Perinatal Loss | 410.35 |
Experiences Near Death | Kellehear, Allan | After Death | 136.28 |
Exploring the Labyrinth | West, Melissa | Ritual | 132.12 |
Facing a Death in the Family | Kerr, Margaret & Kurtz, Joann | Illness | 210.11 |
Facing Death and Finding Hope | Longaker, Christine | Spiritual Health | 130.16.C |
Faithful Gardener | Pinkola Estes, Clarissa | Audio | 600.65 |
Fall of Freddie the Leaf | Buscaglia, Leo | Children's Books | 332.05.C |
Falling into Grace | Adyashanti | Spiritual Health | 130.72 |
Farther Shore | Kason, Yvonne M.D. | After Death | 136.10 |
Father's Daughters | Murdock, Maureen | Loss of a Parent | 430.06 |
Fault In Our Stars | Green, John | Stories and Poems | 510.21 |
Fear and Other Uninvited Guests | Lerner, Harriet | Emotional Health | 120.51 |
Fear Book | Huber, Cheri | Emotional Health | 120.55.A |
Feeling of What Happens | Damasio, Antonio | Emotional Health | 120.37 |
Final Gifts | Callanan, Maggie and Kelley, Patricia | Death and Dying | 220.10.A |
Finding Meaning | Kessler, David | General Bereavement | 300.80 |
Finding Your Own North Star | Beck, Martha | Emotional Health | 120.85 |
Finding Your Own Way to Grieve | Helbert, Karla | Grieving Teens | 340.13 |
Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies | Felber, Marta | Loss of a Spouse | 440.15 |
Finding Your Way Through Cancer | Kneir, Andrew | Cancer | 212.28 |
Fire in the Soul | Borysenko, Joan | Spiritual Health | 130.06 |
Five Invitations | Ostaseski, Frank | Emotional Health | 120.88 |
Five People You Meet in Heaven | Albom, Mitch | Stories and Poems | 500.45 |
Five Ways We Grieve | Berger, Susan | General Bereavement | 300.53 |
Flowers For The Ones You've Known | Traisman, Enid Samuel & Sieff, Janet | Grieving Teens | 340.01 |
For Those Who Live | Latour, Kathy | Supporting a Child | 334.08.A |
Forbidden Grief | Burke, Teresa & Reardon, David C. | Perinatal Loss | 410.36 |
Four Agreements | Ruiz, Don Miguel | Emotional Health | 120.30.C |
Four Things That Matter Most | Byock, Ira | Emotional Health | 120.02 |
Free yourself from Chronic Pain | Ison, David | Audio | 600.84 |
From Age-ing to Sage-ing | Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman | Emotional Health | 120.73 |
From Beginning to End the Rituals of Our Lives | Fulghum, Robert | Ritual | 132.06 |
From Fear to Fearlessness | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.18 |
From Heartbreak to Wholeness | Carlson, Kristine | General Bereavement | 300.79 |
From Here to Eternity | Doughty, Caitlin | Death and Dying | 220.41 |
Full Catastrophe Living | Kabat-Zinn, Jon | Spiritual Health | 130.19 |
Funerals without God | Wynne Wilson, Jane | Memorials | 222.02 |
Funerals: An information guide | Alberta Funeral Association | Memorials | 222.01 |
Gaining Traction: Starting Over After the Death of a Spouse | Panagotacos, Vicki | Loss of a Spouse | 440.09 |
Garden of our Souls | Sima, Diane & Fletcher, Marla | Stories and Poems | 510.18 |
Gates to Buddhist Practice | Tulku, Chagdad | Spiritual Health | 130.57 |
Gentle Closings | Menten, Ted | Death and Dying | 220.39 |
George Anderson's Lessons from the Light | Anderson, George & Barone, Andrew | After Death | 136.17.A |
Getting Unstuck | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.15 |
Gift of Grief | Mitchell, Barbara | General Bereavement | 300.43 |
Gift of Story | Pinkola Estes. Clarissa | Audio | 600.66 |
Gifts of Imperfection | Brown, Brene | Emotional Health | 120.90 |
Gilead | Robinson, Marilynne | Stories and Poems | 500.69 |
Glad No Matter What | Sark | General Bereavement | 300.51.A |
God's Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimmage... | Sweet, Victoria | Stories and Poems | 510.11 |
Good Enough Life | Gabori, Susan | Death and Dying | 220.15 |
Good Grief | Shearon, Mark | Memorials | 222.07 |
Good Grief | Westberg, Granger E. | General Bereavement | 300.21 |
Good Grief Rituals | Childs-Gowell, Elaine | Memorials | 222.04 |
Good Medicine | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.22 |
Goodbye Book | Parr, Todd | Children's Books | 332.72 |
Goodbye Dear Friend: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Pet | Ironside, Virginia | Loss of a Pet | 490.01.B |
Grace and Grit | Wilber, Ken | Stories and Poems | 500.97 |
Grace Disguised - How the Soul Grows Through Loss | Sittser, Jerry | Stories and Poems | 500.42 |
Graceful Exits - How Great Beings Die | Blackman, Sushila | Death and Dying | 220.19 |
Graceful Farewell | Watson, Maggie | Death and Dying | 220.30 |
Graceful Passages - The Messages/ The Music | Malkin, Gary | Audio | 600.44 |
Grief 2 Growth | Smith, Brian D. | General Bereavement | 300.82 |
Grief and Loss in the Workplace | Hope for the Bereaved Inc | Video/DVD - (STAFF) | 700.10. |
Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy | Worden, J. William | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.20 |
Grief Expressed | Felber, Marta | Loss of a Spouse | 440.10 |
Grief in Children | Dyregrow, Atle | Supporting a Child | 334.23 |
Grief is the Thing with Feathers | Porter, Max | Stories and Poems | 510.17 |
Grief One Day at a Time | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Meditation | 134.37 |
Grief Recovery for Teens | Popowitz, Coral | Grieving Teens | 340.10 |
Grief Recovery Handbook | James, John W. & Friedman, Russell | Emotional Health | 120.95.A |
Grief Therapy | Katafiasz, Karen | General Bereavement | 300.48 |
Grief Works | Samuel, Julia | General Bereavement | 300.71 |
Grief, Dying, and Death | Rando, Therese | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.05 |
Grief, Price of Love | Brinkmann, Svend | General Bereavement | 300.86 |
Griefwalker | Video/DVD | 700.18.B | |
Grieving at Christmastime | Daniels, Dwight | General Bereavement | 300.36 |
Grieving Brain | O'Connor, Mary-Frances | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.17 |
Grieving Child | Fitzgerald, Helen | Supporting a Child | 334.04.B |
Grieving Dads | Farley, Kelly & Dicola, David | Men's Grief | 450.11 |
Grieving Indian | H., Arthur | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.01.A |
Grieving Mindfully | Kumar, Sameet M. | Meditation | 134.39 |
Grieving Student | Schonfeld, David J. & Quakenbush, Marcia | Supporting a Child | 334.22 |
Grieving: How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies | Rando, Therese | General Bereavement | 300.63 |
Grist for the Mill | Dass, Ram | Spiritual Health | 130.50 |
Guardians of Being | Tolle, Eckhart | Loss of a Pet | 490.04.A |
Guide to Understanding Guilt During Bereavement | Baugher, Bob | Emotional Health | 120.26.H |
Guided Imagery: Creative Interventions | Hall, Eric | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.10 |
Guided Meditations | Orloff, Judith | Audio | 600.05 |
Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings | Levine, Stephen | Meditation | 134.03 |
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Disc 1-6 | Kabat- Zinn, Jon | Audio | 600.24 |
Guided Relaxation | Howell, Kelly | Audio | 600.61 |
Guidelines for Organizing and Facilitating a Learning Circle | Open Learning Agency | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.03 |
H is for Hawk | MacDonald, Helen | Stories and Poems | 510.01 |
Handbook for Mortals | Lynn, Joanne & Harrold, Joan & Schuster, Janice | Illness | 210.03 |
Hands of Light | Brennan, Barbara | Energy Therapies | 1000.19 |
Hannah's Gift | Housden, Maria | Stories and Poems | 500.03 |
Happiness | Ricard, Matthieu | Audio | 600.76 |
Headache Relief | Rossman, Martin | Audio | 600.64 |
Heal Thy Self | Santorelli, Saki | Physical Health | 110.32 |
Healer's Manual | Andrews, Ted | Energy Therapies | 1000.24 |
Healing a Child's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Grieving Children | 334.14.A |
Healing a Father's Grief | Schatz, William H. | Men's Grief | 450.03.A |
Healing a Grandparent's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Child | 420.16 |
Healing a Parent's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Child | 420.08.G |
Healing a Spouse's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Spouse | 440.05 |
Healing a Teen's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Supporting Teens | 342.02.B |
Healing From the Heart | Graham, Rochelle & Litt, Flora & Irwin, Wayne | Energy Therapies | 1000.22 |
Healing Grief | Van Praagh, James | General Bereavement | 300.37 |
Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After any Loss | Van Praagh | After Death | 136.24 |
Healing Grieving Heart...Alzheimers | Wolfelt, Alan D. & Duvall, Kirby J. | Dementia | 216.01.C |
Healing Into Life and Death | Levine, Stephen | Spiritual Health | 130.03.A |
Healing Pain | Leick, N & Davidsen-Nielsen, M | General Bereavement | 300.58 |
Healing Power | Doctors, Leah | Energy Therapies | 1000.21 |
Healing Power of Mind | Thondup, Tulku | Meditation | 134.24 |
Healing Presence | Guthrie, Ross | Audio | 600.04 |
Healing Sorrow Workbook: Rituals for Transforming Grief and Loss | Mayo, Peg Elliott | Ritual | 132.02 |
Healing the Adult Child's Greiving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Parent | 430.05.C |
Healing the Adult Child's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Parent | 430.05.J |
Healing the Adult Sibling's Grieving Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Sibling | 435.02.F |
Healing the Soul Wound | Duran, Eduardo | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.12 |
Healing Through the Dark Emotions | Greenspan, Miriam | General Bereavement | 300.44 |
Healing Together: For Couples Whose Baby Dies | Lister, Marcie & Sandra Lovell | Perinatal Loss | 410.27 |
Healing Touch: A Guide Book for Practitioners | Hover-Kramer, Dorothea | Energy Therapies | 1000.23 |
Healing Trauma | Levine, Peter A. | Audio | 120.68 |
Healing Words | Dossey, Larry | Spiritual Health | 130.63 |
Healing Your Chronic Illness Grief | Wolfelt, Alan & Wolfelt, Jaimie | Illness | 210.10 |
Healing Your Grieving Heart After a Cancer Diagnosis | Wolfelt, Alan & Duvall, Kirby | Cancer | 212.36 |
Healing Your Grieving Heart After Miscarriage | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Perinatal Loss | 410.32 |
Healing Your Grieving Heart after Stillbirth | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Perinatal Loss | 410.33 |
Healing Your Grieving Heart For Kids | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Grieving Children | 330.06 |
Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Grieving Teens | 340.06 |
Healing Your Traumatized Heart | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Suicide | 472.14.B |
Healthful Sleep | Naparstek, Belleruth | Audio | 600.82 |
Heart and the Bottle | Jeffers, Oliver | Children's Books | 332.53 |
Heart Does Break | Bowering, George & Baird, Jean | Stories and Poems | 500.80 |
Heart in You | Nienaber, Jeannette M. | Energy Therapies | 1000.25 |
Heart of Gold | Attig, Thomas | General Bereavement | 300.54 |
Heart of Grief | Attig, Thomas | General Bereavement | 300.84 |
Heart Of Hospice | Ley, Dorothy C.H. & Levier,Emily | Palliative Care | 230.08 |
Heart's Code | Pearsall, Paul | Emotional Health | 120.14.A |
Heaven of Animals | Tillman, Nancy | Loss of a Pet | 490.14 |
Helper's Journey | Larson, Dale G. | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.09 |
Helpful Information | British Columbia Funeral Association | Memorials | 222.10 |
Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One | Kroen, William | Supporting a Child | 334.18 |
Helping People through Grief | Kuenning, Delores | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.10 |
Helping the Grieving Student: A Guide for Teachers | Dougy Center | Supporting a Child | 334.11 |
Here and Now | Denos, Julia & Goodale, E.B. | Children's Books | 332.65 |
Hidden Loss | Hey / Itzin / Sauders / Speakman | Perinatal Loss | 410.07 |
Holding Space | Glenn, Amy Wright | Death and Dying | 220.44 |
Hope | The Alzheimer's Project | Video/DVD | 700.23 |
How Animals Grieve | Barbara J. King | Loss of a Pet | 490.11 |
How Can I Help? | Dass, Ram | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.12 |
How It Feels When A Parent Dies | Krementz, Jill | Stories and Poems | 500.09 |
How People With Autism Grieve, and How to Help | Lipsky, Deborah | General Bereavement | 300.88 |
How to Carry What Can't be Fixed | Devine, Megan | Journaling Resources | 2000.02 |
How to Die | Seneca | Death and Dying | 220.43 |
How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies | Rando, Therese | General Bereavement | 300.23 |
How to Know God | Chopra, Deepak | Spiritual Health | 130.49 |
How to Survive the Loss of a Love | Colgrove, Melba & Bloomfield, Harold & McWilliams | General Bereavement | 300.26.A |
How to Survive the Loss of a Parent | Akner, Lois | Loss of a Parent | 430.09 |
How We Die | Nuland, Sherwin B. | Death and Dying | 220.07.A |
How We Grieve | Attig, Thomas | General Bereavement | 300.85 |
I Can't Stop Crying | Martin, John D. | General Bereavement | 300.15.C |
I Dont Know What to Say | Buckman, Robert | Palliative Care | 230.27 |
I Don't Know What To Say | Buckman, Robert | Palliative Care | 230.27.A |
I Found a Dead Bird | Thornhill, Jan | Children's Books | 332.63 |
I Had a Miscarriage | Zucker, Jessica | Perinatal Loss | 410.38 |
I Have a Question About Death | Gaines, Arlen Grad & Polsky, Meredith Englander | Children's Books | 332.71 |
I Heard Your Mommy Died | Scrivani, Mark | Children's Books | 332.16 |
I Know I Made It Happen | Blackburn, Lynn Bennett | Children's Books | 332.15 |
I Know Just How You Feel | Linn, Erin | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.02 |
I Miss My Pet | Thomas, Pat | Children's Books | 332.78 |
I Miss You | Thomas, Pat | Children's Books | 332.37.A |
I Want To Go To Boise | Bombeck, Erma | Stories and Poems | 500.07.A |
I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye | Noel, Brook & Blair, Pamela D. | General Bereavement | 300.81 |
I Will Not Die an Unlived Life | Markova, Dawna | Spiritual Health | 130.83 |
If You Do Love Old Men | Owens, Virginia Stem | Stories and Poems | 500.58 |
I'll Always Love You | Wilhelm, Hans | Children's Books | 332.73 |
I'll See You Again | Hance, Jackie | Stories and Poems | 510.16 |
Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors | Sontag, Susan | Physical Health | 110.18 |
Illuminating the Afterlife | Dale, Cyndi | After Death | 136.31 |
I'm Grieving As Fast As I Can | Feinberg, Linda | Loss of a Spouse | 440.07 |
In Search Of Balance | Robbins, J. & Mortifee, A. | Spiritual Health | 130.04 |
In Sickness And In Health | Grollman, Earl | Illness | 210.06 |
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts | Mate, Gabor | Physical Health | 110.22 |
In the Slender Margin | Joseph, Eve | Stories and Poems | 500.96 |
Indian Horse | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.16 |
Indigenous Healing: Exploring Traditional Paths | Ross, Rupert | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.15.B |
Inner Wisdom | Hay, Louise L. | Meditation | 134.36 |
Instinct to Heal | Servan-Schreiber, David | Physical Health | 110.29 |
Integrative Cancer Care | McLeod, Adam | Cancer | 212.35 |
Intimate Death | de Hennezel, Marie | Death and Dying | 220.32 |
Invisible Leash | Patrice Karst | Loss of a Pet | 490.12 |
Invisible String | Karst, Patrice | Children's Books | 332.56 |
Invitation | Mountain Dreamer, Oriah | Stories and Poems | 500.50 |
Iron John | Bly, Robert | Men's Grief | 450.07 |
It All Begins With Hope | Jevne, Ronna | Death and Dying | 220.35 |
It's OK That You're Not OK | Devine, Megan | General Bereavement | 300.69.C |
It's Okay to Laugh | McInerny, Nora | Loss of a Spouse | 440.18 |
Jasper's Day | Parker, Marjorie | Loss of a Pet | 490.05 |
Journal de Deuil | Grollman, Earl A. | French | 900.06 |
Journal of Palliative Care, 2001 | Palliative Care Foundation | Palliative Care | 230.04 |
Journey of Awakening: A meditator's guidebook | Dass, Ram | Meditation | 134.02 |
Journey of Souls | Newton, Michael | After Death | 136.21.C |
Journey Through Grief | Bozarth, Alla Renee | General Bereavement | 300.02 |
Joy of Reflexology | Gillanders, Ann | Energy Therapies | 1000.13 |
Joy of Ritual | Biziou, Barbara | Ritual | 132.08 |
Joy's Way | Joy, W. Brugh | Energy Therapies | 1000.03 |
Just One Little Thing | Buckley, Kelly | Loss of a Child | 420.10 |
Keeper'N Me | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.18 |
Keeping Family Stories Alive | Rosenbluth, Vera | Life Review | 232.01 |
Kitchen Table Wisdom | Remen, Rachel Naomi | Stories and Poems | 500.55.C |
Knocking on Heaven's Door | Butler, Katy | Death and Dying | 220.37 |
La decouverte de Petit-Bond | Velthuijs, Max | French | 900.25 |
La derniere promenade | Meney, Florence | French | 900.17 |
La grande tricoteuse | Grimaud, A. & Arbona, M. | French | 900.26 |
La Mort - Derniere Etape De La Croissance | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | General Bereavement | 300.03 |
Labyrinths | Westbury, Virginia | Spiritual Health | 130.26 |
L'Accompagnement Au Soir De La Vie | Gauvin, Andree & Regnier, Roger | Palliative Care | 230.06 |
Language of the Heart | Pogue, Carolyn | Death and Dying | 220.28 |
Last Lecture | Pausch, Randy | Life Review | 232.10 |
Last Word | Cooper, Julia | Memorials | 222.11 |
Le deuil au fil des saisons | Archambault, Viviane | French | 900.11 |
Le deuil de mon animal de compagne | Lavergne, A. & Dumont, Y. | French | 900.31 |
Leaning Into Sharp Points | Goldberg, Stan | Emotional Health | 120.76 |
Learning to Fall | Simmons, Philip | Spiritual Health | 130.20 |
Learning to Say Good-by | LeShan, Eda | Supporting a Child | 334.10 |
Left Behind | Murali, Nandini | Suicide | 472.19 |
Les mots pour le dire le deuil et l'enfant | Jolicoeur | French | 900.29 |
Les Reves envoles | Frechette-Piperni, Suzy | French | 900.09 |
Lesser Blessed | Van Camp, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.22 |
Lessons for the Living | Goldberg, Stan | Palliative Care | 230.24 |
Lessons from the Light | Ring, Kenneth | After Death | 136.18 |
Let Go of Pain and Anxiety | Ison, David | Audio | 600.85 |
Let's Take the Long Way Home | Caldwell, Gail | Stories and Poems | 500.82 |
Let's Talk About Death Over Dinner | Hebb, Michael | Death and Dying | 220.42 |
Letters to Stephen | Taylor, James | Men's Grief | 450.05 |
Letting Go With Love - The Grieving Process | O'Connor, Nancy | General Bereavement | 300.04.A |
LGBTQ-inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care | Acquaviva, Kimberly | Palliative Care | 230.33 |
Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation | Rosenberg, Larry | Meditation | 134.11 |
Life After Death | Chopra, Deepak | After Death | 136.32 |
Life After Grief | Rosauer, Janet | Stories and Poems | 500.37 |
Life after Loss | Deits, Bob | General Bereavement | 300.45 |
Life After Trauma | Rosenbloom, Dena | Emotional Health | 120.43 |
Life Goes On | Boulanger, Gail | General Bereavement | 300.42 |
Life in the Balance | Shapiro, Marla | Stories and Poems | 500.71 |
Life is Goodbye Life is Hello | Bozarth-Campbell, Alla | General Bereavement | 300.61.A |
Life Lessons | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth & Kessler, David | Death and Dying | 220.46 |
Life on the Other Side | Browne, Sylvia | After Death | 136.37 |
Life Review in Health and Social Care | Garland, Jeff & Christina | Life Review | 232.07 |
Life Stages and Native Women | Anderson, Kim | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.27 |
Life's Last Gift | Garfield, Charles | Palliative Care | 230.35 |
Lifetimes | Mellonie, B & Ingpen, R | Children's Books | 332.07.Q |
Light Beyond | Moody, Raymond | After Death | 136.04.B |
Liplap's Wish | London, Jonathan & Long, Sylvia | Children's Books | 332.64 |
Listener | Caldwell, Taylor | Stories and Poems | 500.33 |
Little Book of Mindfulness | Collard, Patrizia | Meditation | 134.40 |
Living Beautifully | Chodron, Pema | Spiritual Health | 130.81 |
Living from Your Center | Vanzant, Iyanla | Audio | 600.43 |
Living Through Personal Crisis | Kaiser Stearns, Ann | General Bereavement | 300.34 |
Living When a Loved One has Died | Grollman, Earl A. | General Bereavement | 300.25 |
Living When a Young Friend Commits Suicide | Grollman, Earl | Suicide | 472.09 |
Living With Death and Dying | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Palliative Care | 230.02 |
Living with Loss, Healing with Hope | Grollman, Earl | General Bereavement | 300.38 |
Living Your Dying | Keleman, Stanley | Death and Dying | 220.47 |
Living/Dying | Russell, Ceilidh E. | Supporting a Child | 334.29 |
Long Goodbye | O'Rourke, Meghan | Stories and Poems | 500.94 |
Lorsque grossesse devient tristesse | Pinet, Nadia | French | 900.08 |
Losing a Baby | Yarwood, Anne | Perinatal Loss | 410.28 |
Losing a Parent | Marshall, Fiona | Loss of a Parent | 430.04 |
Loss and Anticipatory Grief | Rando, Therese | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.16 |
Loss: Sadness and Depression | Bowlby, John | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.21 |
Lost Art of Healing | Lown, Bernard | Physical Health | 110.14 |
Lost Art of Listening | Nichols, Michael P. | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.06.C |
Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression | Hari, Johann | Emotional Health | 120.92 |
Love and Survival | Ornish, Dean | Emotional Health | 120.41 |
Love Beyond Life | Martin, Joel & Romanowski, Patricia | After Death | 136.11.B |
Love is Stronger Than Death | Bourgeault, Cynthia | Stories and Poems | 500.93 |
Love That Dog | Creech, Sharon | Loss of a Pet | 490.16 |
Love Thyself | Emoto, Masaru | Energy Therapies | 1000.08 |
Love, Medicine & Miracles | Siegel, Bernie | Emotional Health | 120.45.B |
Love, Medicine, & Miracles | Siegel, Bernie | Emotional Health | 120.45.A |
Loving - Kindness | Salzberg, Sharon | Meditation | 134.32 |
Luminous Essence | Santos, Daniel | Energy Therapies | 1000.28 |
L'un Sans L'autre | Bacque, Marie | French | 900.02 |
Making Loving Memories | A Centering Corporation Resource | Perinatal Loss | 410.13.A |
Man's Search for Meaning | Frankl, Victor | Spiritual Health | 130.56 |
Many Lives, Many Masters | Weiss, Brian | Stories and Poems | 500.52 |
Marley & Me | Grogan, John | Loss of a Pet | 490.13 |
Marriage Interrupted | Debolt, Debra | Loss of a Spouse | 440.11 |
Marrow Thieves | Dimaline, Cherie | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.21 |
Meanderings of the Soul | Kaltenbach, Evelyn | Stories and Poems | 500.103 |
Medical Care of the Dying | Victoria Hospice Society | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.14 |
Meditation | Easwaran, Eknath | Meditation | 134.05 |
Meditation for Beginners | Kornfield, Jack | Meditation | 134.34 |
Meditation for the love of it | Sally, Kempton | Meditation | 134.31 |
Meditation Handbook | Gyatso, Geshe | Meditation | 134.10 |
Meditation Made Easy | Roche, Lorin | Meditation | 134.16.A |
Meditation Secrets for Women | Maurine, C. & Roche, L. | Meditation | 134.18 |
Meditation: Path to the Deepest Self | Levin, Michal | Meditation | 134.13 |
Meditations to Heal Your Life | Hay, Louise L. | Meditation | 134.29 |
Meetings At The Edge | Levine, Stephen | Spiritual Health | 130.12.A |
Memoirs of the Soul | Phifer, Nan | Life After Death | 232.03 |
Memory Box | Rowland, Joanna | Children's Books | 332.57 |
Memory Tree | Teckentrup, Britta | Children's Books | 332.50.A |
Merle's Door | Kerasote, Ted | Stories and Poems | 500.91 |
Mieux comprendre la mort | Sanders, P. & Myers, S. | French | 900.32 |
Mind in Comfort and Ease | Dalai Lama | Spiritual Health | 130.64 |
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery | Carlson, Linda & Speca, Michael | Cancer | 212.27 |
Miscarriage (A Book For Parents) | Centering Corporation | Perinatal Loss | 410.25.D |
Miscarriage: A Shattered Dream | Ilse, S. & Burns, L.H. | Perinatal Loss | 410.08 |
Missing May | Rylant, Cynthia | Stories and Poems | 500.47 |
Modern Loss: Candid Conversation about Grief | Soffer, Rebecca & Birkner, Gabrielle | General Bereavement | 300.68 |
Molly's Rosebush | Cohn, Janice | Children's Books | 332.54 |
Monkey Beach | Robinson, Eden | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.26 |
Most Important Picture | Centering Corporation | Perinatal Loss | 410.02 |
Mother Earth Sprituality: Native American Paths to Healing | McGaa, Ed | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.04.B |
Motherless Daughters | Edelman, Hope | Loss of a Parent | 430.01.A |
Mourner's Kaddish | Clarke, James | Suicide | 472.11 |
Mourning Handbook | Fitzgerald, Helen | General Bereavement | 300.14.B |
Mourning has Broken | Koven, Mara & Pearl, Liz | Stories and Poems | 500.60 |
Moving Forward on Your Own | Rehl, Kathleen | Loss of a Spouse | 440.14 |
My Father's Wake: How the Irish Teach Us to Live, Love, and Die | Toolis, Kevin | General Bereavement | 300.70 |
My Grammie is a Star | Holt, Darlene | Children's Books | 332.33.A |
My Grandfather's Blessings | Remen, Rachel Naomi | Stories and Poems | 500.25.B |
My Helpful Healing Touch | Daughtry, Karen & Nelson, Darlene | Children's Books | 332.76 |
My Life and Times | Morton, Sunny | Life Review | 232.09 |
My Sibling Still | Lacourrege, Megan | Perinatal Loss | 410.40 |
Native American Postcolonial Psychology | Duran, Eduardo and Bonnie | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.13 |
Needs of the Dying | Kessler, David | Palliative Care | 230.18 |
Never the Same: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Parent | Schuurman, Donna | Supporting a Child | 334.26 |
Never Too Old for a Lullaby | White, Juanita | Loss of a Child | 420.01 |
Newborn Death | A Centering Corporation Resource | Perinatal Loss | 410.12.A |
Next Place | Hanson, Warren | Children's Books | 332.31.A |
No Death, No Fear | Hanh, Thich Nhat | Spiritual Health | 130.37 |
No Happy Endings | McInerny, Nora | Stories and Poems | 510.15 |
No One Saw My Pain | Slaby, Andrew & Garfinkel, Lili | Suicide | 472.05 |
No Time to Say Goodbye | Fine, Carla | Suicide | 472.10.A |
Nobody's Perfect | Hessell, Jenny | Children's Books | 332.11 |
North End Love Songs | Vermette, Katharena | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.31 |
Not One of These Poems is About You | Harrison, Teva | Stories and Poems | 510.13 |
Occupational Stress in the Care of the Critically Ill.. | Vachon, Mary | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.19 |
Of Wheels & Wings | White, John Wesley | Stories and Poems | 500.56 |
On Children and Death | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Supporting a Child | 334.32 |
On Death And Dying | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Palliative Care | 230.03.B |
On Grief and Grieving | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | General Bereavement | 300.62 |
On Life After Death | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Death and Dying | 220.20 |
On the Brink of Everything | Palmer, Parker | Emotional Health | 120.91 |
On The Wings of a Butterfly | Maple, Marilyn | Children's Books | 332.21 |
Once A Wizard | Wiebe, Curtis L. | Children's Books | 332.70 |
One Breath at a Time | Griffin, Kevin | Emotional Health | 120.89 |
One Drum | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.32 |
One Good Story, That One | King, Thomas | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.23 |
One Last Time | Edward, John | After Death | 136.20 |
One Native Life | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.19 |
One Wave at a Time | Thompson, Holly | Children's Books | 332.69 |
Open Heart, Open Mind | Tsoknyi Rinpoche | Spiritual Health | 130.79 |
Opening the Invitation | Dreamer, Oriah Mountain | Stories and Poems | 500.101 |
Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy | Sandberg, Sheryl & Grant, Adam | General Bereavement | 300.64 |
Orphaned Adult | Levy, Alexander | Loss of a Parent | 430.11 |
Our Tree Named Steve | Zweibel, Alan | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.23 |
P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna | Chauncey, Sarah & Tremblay, Francis | Children's Books | 332.68 |
Pace of Grace | Popov, Linda | Emotional Health | 120.47 |
Pagan Book of Living and Dying | Starhawk | Spiritual Health | 130.52 |
Pain Relief | Canadian Cancer Society | Cancer | 212.01.C |
Parental Loss of a Child | Rando, Therese | Loss of a Child | 420.11 |
Parenting Through Crisis | Coloroso, Barbara | Supporting a Child | 334.12 |
Parents orphelins | Nanteuil, Sophie | French | 900.20 |
Path of Service | Ram Dass | Audio | 600.88 |
Path to Love | Chopra, Deepak | Spiritual Health | 130.48 |
Path with Heart | Kornfield, Jack | Spiritual Health | 130.36 |
Peace Begins With Me | Kuntz, Ted | Stories and Poems | 500.65 |
Peace is Every Step | Hanh, Thich Nhat | Spiritual Health | 130.27.A |
Peace, Love, and Healing | Siegel, Bernie | Emotional Health | 120.38 |
Pet Loss Companion | Vecchio, Ken Dolan-Del & Saxton-Lopez, Nancy | Loss of a Pet | 490.09 |
Phoenix Rising | Hesse, Karen | Stories and Poems | 500.48 |
Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden | Smith, Heather & Wada, Rachel | Children's Books | 332.66 |
Pioneers of Hospice: Changing the Face of Dying | Madison-Deane Initiative | Video/DVD - (STAFF) | 700.09.A |
Places that Scare You | Chodron, Pema | Spiritual Health | 130.25 |
Planning The Funeral Liturgy | Luebering, Carol | Memorials | 222 |
Playing With the Angels | George, K. Jane | Grieving Children | 330.07 |
Power of Now | Tolle, Eckhart | Spiritual Health | 130.34 |
Power to Prevent Suicide | Nelson, Richard & Galas, Judith | Suicide | 472.06 |
Practical Guide to Buddhist Meditation | Paramananda | Meditation | 134.12 |
Practicing Peace in Times of War/ 2 disc series | Chodron, Pema | Workplace Grief | 600.36 |
Prayers of Honoring Grief | Lighthorse, Pixie | Ritual | 132.16.A |
Precious Lives/Painful Choices | Ilse, Sherokee | Perinatal Loss | 410.20 |
Preparing for Surgery | Rossman, Martin | Audio | 600.62 |
Present Perfect | Somov, Pavel | Meditation | 134.33 |
Price, Joan | Sex After Grief | Loss of a Spouse | 440.20 |
Proof of Heaven | Alexander, Eben | After Death | 136.35 |
Psychosomatic Wellness | Pert, Candace | Audio | 600.47 |
Pure Meditation | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.20 |
Quantum Healing | Chopra, Deepak | Illness | 110.01 |
Quel Age Aurait-il Aujourd'hui? | Clerget, Stephane | French | 900.10 |
Quest: Life of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross | Gill, Derek | Stories and Poems | 500.51 |
Questions And Answers On Death And Dying | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | General Bereavement | 300.05 |
Quilt for Elizabeth | Tiffault, Benette W. | Children's Books | 332.17.A |
Radical Acts of Love | Brown, Janie | Death and Dying | 220.45 |
Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends | Fisher, Bruce & Alberti, Robert | Emotional Health | 120.70 |
Reconciliation | Hanh, Thich Nhat | Emotional Health | 120.74 |
Recovering the Soul | Dossey, Larry | Spiritual Health | 130.62 |
Reflections From The Heart | The Compassionate Friends | Stories and Poems | 500.57.B |
Reiki | Rand, William | Energy Therapies | 1000.14 |
Reincarnation and Karma | Steiner, Rudolf | Spiritual Health | 130.47 |
Relaxation and Stress Reduction Book | McKay, Matthew & Fanning, Patrick | Emotional Health | 120.98 |
Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook | Davis, Martha & Eshelman,E. & McKay, Matthew | Physical Health | 110.30 |
Remember The Secret | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Children's Books | 332.29 |
Re-membering Lives | Hedtke, Lorraine | General Bereavement | 300.28 |
Resilient Grieving | Hone, Dr. Lucy | General Bereavement | 300.78 |
Restful Sleep | Chopra, Deepak | Physical Health | 110.13 |
Return of the Trickster | Robinson, Eden | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.29 |
Returning to the Teachings | Ross, Rupert | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.10.A |
Reunions | Moody, Raymond | After Death | 136.03 |
Rise Up | Monks of New Skete | Meditation | 134.15 |
Ritual - Power, Healing and Community | Some, Malidoma Patrice | Ritual | 132.15 |
Rituals for Living and Dying | Feinstein, David & Mayo, Peg Elliot | Ritual | 132.07 |
Role of the Volunteer Director in the Care… | Naylor etc | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.18 |
Roots of Healing Touch | Bulbrook, Mary Jo | Energy Therapies | 1000.17 |
Runaway Dreams | Wagamese, Richard | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.20 |
Sacred Dying: Creating Rituals for Embracing the End of Life | Anderson, Megory | Ritual | 132.03 |
Sacred Passage | Coberly, Margaret | Palliative Care | 230.17.A |
Sacred Space | Linn, Denise | Ritual | 132.13 |
Sad Book | Rosen, Michael | Children's Books | 332.58 |
Sad Ninja | Stupar, Jelena | Children's Books | 332.74 |
Saddest Time | Simon, Norma | Children's Books | 332.79 |
Sainte Barbe | Louis, C. & Barras, C. | Video/DVD | 700.41 |
Sarah: A Love Story | Steele, Peter | Stories and Poems | 510.09 |
Saturday Night Mulberries | Ferguson, Dorothy | Stories and Poems | 500.10.G |
Saved by a Poem | Rosen, Kim | Stories and Poems | 500.92 |
Saying "Goodbye" - The First Snowfall | Sherwood | Video/DVD - (STAFF) | 700.08.A |
Saying Goodbye | Okun, Barbara & Nowinski, Joseph | Palliative Care | 230.38 |
Saying Goodbye to Lulu | Demas, Corinne | Loss of a Pet | 490.07 |
Saying Goodbye to Someone You Love | Dresser, N. & Wasserman, F. | Palliative Care | 230.25 |
Scar Tissue | Ignatieff, Michael | Stories and Poems | 500.102 |
Se sentir triste quand qulequ'un meurt | Mundy, Linus | French | 900.24 |
Seat of the Soul | Zukav, Gary | After Death | 136.29.B |
Second Firsts | Rasmussen, Christina | General Bereavement | 300.73 |
Secret Signature of Things | Joseph, Eve | Stories and Poems | 510.03 |
Secrets of the Soul | Hidden Treasures Prod | Video/DVD | 700.22 |
Seeker's Guide | Lesser, Elizabeth | Spiritual Health | 130.90 |
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom | Goldstein, Joseph & Jack Kornfield | Meditation | 134.07 |
Self Acceptance Project | Smion, Tami Sonds True | Audio | 600.79 |
Seven Chioces | Neeld, Elizabeth | General Bereavement | 300.27.C |
Seven Choices | Neeld, Elizabeth | General Bereavement | 300.27 |
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success | Chopra, Deepak | Spiritual Health | 130.45.A |
Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga | Chopra, Deepak | Spiritual Health | 130.39 |
Shaman and the Medicine Wheel | Eaton, Evelyn | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.05 |
Shattered | Roe, Gary | Loss of a Child | 420.15 |
She Never Said Goodbye | Dykstra, Robert | Stories and Poems | 500.20 |
Shelter for the Spirit | Moran, Victoria | Spiritual Health | 130.17 |
Sibling Grief | Scherago, Marcia G. | Supporting a Child | 334.03 |
Sight Hound | Houston, Pam | Stories and Poems | 500.99 |
Silence, Simplicity, and Solitude | Cooper, David A. | Meditation | 134.28 |
Sincere Condolences | Aitken, Joyce | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.16 |
Smell of Rain on Dust | Prechtel, Martin | General Bereavement | 300.67 |
Snowman | Vogel, Robin Helene | Children's Books | 332.18 |
Some Become Flowers | Brown, Sharon | Stories and Poems | 500.22 |
Someone Cares | Rice, Helen Steiner | Stories and Poems | 500.34 |
Someone I Love Died | Ferris, Heather | Grieving Teens | 340.08 |
Sometimes My Heart Goes Numb | Garfield, Charles | Palliative Care | 230.22 |
Son of a Trickster | Robinson, Eden | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.24 |
Soul Comfort for Cat Lovers | Eastwood, Liz | Loss of a Pet | 490.08 |
Soul in Grief | Romanyshyn, Robert | General Bereavement | 300.29 |
Soul of Healing Meditations | Chopra, Deepak | Audio | 600.46 |
Soul Stories | Zukav, Gary | After Death | 136.26 |
Spare Room | Garner, Helen | Stories and Poems | 500.95 |
Spiritual Crisis Of Cancer | Canadian Cancer Society | Cancer | 212.07.C |
Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram | Maitri, Sandra | Emotional Health | 120.19 |
Spirituality of Imperfection | Kurtz, Ernest | Spiritual Health | 130.70 |
Stacy Had a Little Sister | Old, Wendy | Children's Books | 332.55 |
Staircase Letters | Motyer, Arthur & Gerwin, Elma & Shields, Carol | Stories and Poems | 500.76 |
Standing at the Edge | Halifax, Joan | Emotional Health | 120.97 |
Start Where You Are/ 5 disc series | Chodron, Pema | Audio | 600.08 |
Start With Gratitude - Five Minute Daily Gratitude Journal | Unknown | Journaling Resources | 2000.04 |
Startled Heart | Joseph, Eve | Stories and Poems | 510.02 |
Step into the Light | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Emotional Health | 120.96 |
Still Alice | Genova, Lisa | Dementia | 216.05 |
Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying | Dass, Ram | Spiritual Health | 130.01 |
Still To Be Born | Schweibert, Pat, RN & Kirk, Paul, MD | Perinatal Loss | 410.06.B |
Stillborn - The Invisible Death | Defrain, John | Perinatal Loss | 410.03 |
StopTrying to Fix Me | Clark, Nancy | Loss of a Spouse | 440.19 |
Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers | Grollman, Earl A. | Grieving Teens | 340.07 |
Stress Relief | Rossman, Martin | Audio | 600.83 |
Strong and Tender | Schwiebert, Pat | Loss of a Child | 420.14 |
Success with Heart Failure | Silver, Marc | Physical Health | 110.07 |
Suicidal - Why We Kill Ourselves | Bering, Jesse | Suicide | 472.18 |
Suicide Of A Child | Johnson, Marv & Joy | Suicide | 472.02.A |
Suicide: Teens Talk to Teens | Crook, Marion | Suicide | 472.07 |
Summer Snow | Millard, Eleanor | Stories and Poems | 500.87 |
Supporting Children After a Suicide Loss | Montgomery, Sarah & Coale, Susan | Supporting a Child | 334.28 |
Sur le chagrin et le deuil | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | French | 900.03 |
Surprised By Joy | Lewis, C.S. | Stories and Poems | 500.30 |
Surviving the Loss of a Pet | Duval, Greta | Loss of a Pet | 490.10 |
Symphony of Spirits | Forrest, Deborah A. | Dementia | 216.06 |
Taking the Leap | Chodron, Pema | Emotional Health | 120.65 |
Talking About Death: A Dialogue between Parent and Child | Grollman, Earl A. | Supporting a Child | 334.01.A |
Talking to Heaven | Van Praagh, James | After Death | 136.06 |
Talking With Children About Loss | Trozzi, Maria | Supporting a Child | 334.16 |
Taste Of Blackberries | Smith, Doris Bachanan | Children's Books | 332.04 |
Tear Soup | Schwiebert, Pat & DeKlyen, Chuck | Children's Books | 332.28 |
Telling the Stories of Life through Guided Autobiography Groups | Birren, James E | Life Review | 232.05 |
Telling Your Own Stories | Davis, Donald | Life Review | 232.02 |
Temps gris | Bertrand, P. & Delacroix, S. | French | 900.21 |
Ten Poems to Say Goodbye | Housden, Roger | Stories and Poems | 500.85 |
Tending Toward Silence | McFarlane, Arlin | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.25 |
Tenth Good Thing About Barney | Viorst, Judith | Children's Books | 332.06.B |
That Good Night | Puri, Sunita | Palliative Care | 230.37 |
The Dougy Center Model | Schuurman, Donna L. & Mitchell, Monique B. | Supporting a Child | 340.14 |
The Widower's Journey | Knoll, Herb & Carr, Deborah & Frick, Robert L. | Men's Grief | 450.10 |
Theft of Spirit | Hammerschlag,Carl | Stories and Poems | 500.90 |
Therapeutic Touch | Krieger, Dolores | Energy Therapies | 1000.05 |
There is Nothing Wrong with You for Teens | Huber, Cheri | Emotional Health | 120.58 |
They Left Us Everything | Johnson, Plum | Stories and Poems | 501.01 |
Things I Should Have Said to My Father | Powell, Joanna | Stories and Poems | 500.59 |
Things That Grow | Goldstein, Meredith | Grieving Teens | 340.12 |
This Too Shall Pass | Samuel, Julia | General Bereavement | 300.87 |
Through a Season of Grief | Dunn, Bill and Leonard, Kathy | Spiritual Health | 130.93 |
Tibetan Book of the Dead | Thurman, Robert A. F. | Spiritual Health | 130.13 |
Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying | Rinpoche, Sogyal | Spiritual Health | 130.32.B |
Time Lived, Without Its Flow | Riley, Denise | General Bereavement | 300.76 |
Time To Mourn | Rice, Rebecca | Stories and Poems | 500.13 |
To the River | Gillmor, Don | Suicide | 472.17 |
Toujours pres de toi | Fontaine, V. & Pelletier, N. | French | 900.30 |
Transcending Divorce | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Emotional Health | 120.94 |
Transitions in Dying and Bereavement | Victoria Hospice Society | Death and Dying | 220.48 |
Trauma Stewardship | van Dernoot Lipsky, Laura | Emotional Health | 120.79.A |
Treatment of Complicated Mourning | Rando, Therese | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.15 |
Trickster Drift | Robinson, Eden | First Nations/Indigenous Perspectives | 460.25 |
True Happiness/ 2 disc series | Pema Chodron | Audio | 600.07 |
Truth about Grief | Davis Konigsberg, Ruth | General Bereavement | 300.47 |
Tu vivras dans nos coeurs pour toujours | Teckentrup, Britta | French | 900.35 |
Tuesdays With Morrie | Albom, Mitch | Stories and Poems | 500.43 |
Twelve Weeks In Spring | Callwood, June | Stories and Poems | 500.23.A |
Un enfant pour l?ternite | de Mezerac, Isabelle | French | 900.07 |
Un paradis pour Petit Ours | Verroen, D. & Erlbruch, W. | French | 900.27 |
Unattended Sorrow | Levine, Stephen | General Bereavement | 300.20.A |
Uncommon Touch | Harpur, Tom | Energy Therapies | 1000.02 |
Unconditional Life - Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams | Chopra, Deepak | Emotional Health | 120.21 |
Undefended Love | Psaris, Jett & Marlena Lyons | Emotional Health | 120.18.B |
Understanding Anger During Bereavement | Baugher, Bob | Emotional Health | 120.25.F |
Understanding Death and Dying | Wilcox & Sutton | Death and Dying | 220.27 |
Understanding Death and Illness and What They Teach About Life | Faherty, Catherine | General Bereavement | 300.89 |
Understanding Grief, Helping Yourself Heal | Wolfelt, Alan D. | General Bereavement | 300.50 |
Understanding Your Grief: 10 Essential Touchstones | Wolfelt, Alan D. | General Bereavement | 300.33.D |
Understanding Your Suicide Grief | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Suicide | 472.16 |
Understanding Your Suicide Grief | Wolflet, Alan D. | Suicide | 472.16.G |
Une chanson pour l'oiseau | Brown, M.W. & Charlip, R. | French | 900.23 |
Unstruck Bell | Easwaran, Eknath | Meditation | 134.06 |
Unsung Lullabies | Video/DVD | 700.14 | |
Untethered Soul | Singer, Michael A. | Spiritual Health | 130.85 |
Velveteen Rabbit | Wiliams, Margery | Children's Books | 332.03 |
Velveteen Rabbit | Williams, Margery | Children's Books | 332.03.B |
Vision, Trips and Crowded Rooms | Kessler, David | Death and Dying | 220.33 |
Visitations from the after Life | Lawson, Lee | After Death | 136.23 |
Vivre Apres Ta Mort | Sauteraud, Alain | French | 900.04 |
Vivre le deuil au jour le jour | Faure, Christophe | French | 900.05 |
Waking the Global Heart | Judith, Anodea | Emotional Health | 120.49 |
Walk Me To The Water | Seakwood, John | Video/DVD | 700.07.A |
Walk with Me | Rae, Judy | Dementia | 216.08 |
Walking a Sacred Path | Artress, Lauren | Ritual | 132.11 |
Walking Each Other Home | Dass, Ram & Bush, Mirabai | Spiritual Health | 130.89 |
Walking Meditation | Hanh, Thich Nhat | Meditation | 134.21 |
Walking the Soul Path | Lera, Ruth | Spiritual Health | 130.92 |
Warming the Stone Child | Estes, Clarissa Pinkola | Audio | 600.40 |
Water from the Rock | Fraser, Lyn | Spiritual Health | 130.10 |
We Need To Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter | Headlee, Celeste | Emotional Health | 120.87 |
We Were Gonna Have a Baby, but We Had an Angel Instead | Schwiebert, Pat | Perinatal Loss | 410.41 |
Weather Kids | Jordan, Marykate | Children's Books | 332.13 |
What Can I Say? | Osmont, Kelly | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.01.A |
What Dying People Want | Kuhl, David | Palliative | 230.14.D |
What Happened to You? | Perry, Bruce D. | Emotional Health | 120.99 |
What Happens When Someone Dies? | Mundy, Michaelene | Children's Books | 332.39 |
What Helped When My Loved One Died | Grollman, Earl A. | General Bereavement | 300.06 |
What Was Good About Today | Kruckeberg, Carol | Stories and Poems | 500.06 |
What's Happening to Grandpa? | Shriver, Maria | Dementia | 216.03 |
Wheel of Life | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Stories and Poems | 500.88 |
Wheels of Light | Bruyere, Rosalyn L | Energy Therapies | 1000.11 |
When A Baby Dies | Limbo, Rana L. & Wheeler, Sara | Perinatal Loss | 410.05 |
When a Friend Dies: A Book for Teens about Grieving and Healing | Gootman, Marilyn E. | Grieving Teens | 340.03.A |
When a Good-bye is Forever | Bramblett, John | Stories and Poems | 500.19 |
When a Grandchild Dies | Feldman, Nadine Galinsky | Loss of a Child | 420.17 |
When A Parent is Sick | Hamilton, Joan | Supporting a Child | 334.13 |
When Breath Becomes Air | Kalanithi, Paul | Stories and Poems | 510.06.A |
When Death Impacts Your School | Dougy Center for Grieving Children & Families | Supporting a Child | 334.27 |
When Death Speaks | Garrett, Stephen Lloyd | Death and Dying | 220.38 |
When Dinosaurs Die - A Guide to Understanding Death | Brown, Laurie Krasny & Marc | Children's Books | 322.22.L |
When Hello Means Goodbye | Schwiebert, Pat & Kirk, Paul | Perinatal Loss | 410.19.C |
When Life Becomes Precious | Babcock, Elise NeeDell | Cancer | 210.01 |
When Professionals Weep | Katz, R & Johnson, T | General Bereavement | 300.46 |
When Someone Very Special Dies | Heegard,Marge | Supporting a Child | 334.19 |
When the Body Says No | Mate, Gabor | Emotional Health | 120.63 |
When the Bough Breaks | Bernstein, Judith R. | Loss of a Child | 420.06 |
When the Heart Waits | Monk Kidd, Sue | Spiritual Health | 130.82 |
When There Are No Words | Walton, Charlie | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.04 |
When Things Fall Apart | Chodron, Pema | Emotional Health | 120.01.C |
When Your Pet Dies | Wolfelt, Alan D. | Loss of a Pet | 490.03.C |
When You're Falling, Dive | Huber, Cheri | Emotional Health | 120.54 |
Where Angels Walk | Anderson, Joan Wester | After Death | 136.07 |
Where Did You Go? | Rasmussen, Christina | After Death | 136.39 |
Where's Jess? | Johnson, Joy & Johnson, Dr. S.M. | Children's Books | 332.02.A |
Wherever You Go There You Are | Kabat-Zinn, Jon | Meditation | 130.18.B |
Wherever You Go There You Are | Kabbat-Zin, Jon | Meditation | 134.20 |
Which You are Seeking is Causing You to Seek | Huber, Cheri | Emotional Health | 120.57 |
White Shadow | Wardell, Diane Wind | Energy Therapies | 1000.06 |
Who Dies? | Levine, Stephen | Spiritual Health | 130.02.A |
Who, Me Lead a Group? | Clarke, Jean Illsley | Staff/Volunteer Resource | 800.04 |
Why Did Grandma Die? | Madler, Trudy | Children's Books | 332.09 |
Why Her Why Now | Elmer, Lon | Stories and Poems | 500.21 |
Why People Don't Heal and How They Can | Myss, Caroline | Audio | 600.75 |
Widow | Caine, Lynn | Stories and Poems | 500.16 |
Widow to Widow | Ginsburg, Genevieve | Loss of a Spouse | 440.06 |
Widowed | Polo, John | Loss of a Spouse | 440.13 |
Widower, When Men are Left Alone | Campbell, Scott & Silverman, Phyliss R. | Men's Grief | 450.02 |
Wild Edge of Sorrow | Weller, Francis | Ritual | 132.14 |
Wilderness of Grief CD | Wolfelt, Alan D | Audio | 0 |
Wilderness of Grief, Finding your Way | Wolfelt, Alan D. | General Bereavement | 300.39.H |
Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge | Fox, Mem | Children's Books | 332.25 |
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? | Doughty, Caitlin | Supporting a Child | 334.25 |
Window To Heaven | Komp, Diane M. | Death and Dying | 220.18 |
Wintering - The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times | May, Katherine | Emotional Health | 120.102 |
Winter's Gift | Donovan, Jane | Children's Books | 332.62 |
Wisdom of Listening | Brady, Mark | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.07.A |
Wisdom of No Escape | Chodron, Pema | Spiritual Health | 130.69 |
Wisdom of the Enneagram | Riso, Don Richard | Emotional Health | 120.52 |
Wit | Video/DVD | 700.16 | |
With the End in Mind | Mannix, Kathryn | Stories and Poems | 500.104 |
With Those Who Grieve | Soder-Alderfer, Kay | Stories and Poems | 510.04 |
Woman's Comfort Book | Louden, Jennifer | Emotional Health | 120.71 |
Women Rowing North | Pipher, Mary | Emotional Health | 120.105 |
Worst Loss | Rosof, Barbara D. | Loss of a Child | 420.05.A |
Writing Down the Bones | Goldberg, Natalie | Journaling Resources | 2000.01 |
Year of Magical Thinking | Didion, Joan | Stories and Poems | 500.17.A |
Year to Live | Levine, Stephen | Spiritual Health | 130.09.A |
Yoga for Depression | Weintraub, Amy | Emotional Health | 120.80 |
Yoga Nidra | Miller, Richard | Audio | 134.26 |
You Are Not Alone | Long, Emily R. | Perinatal Loss | 410.37 |
You Can Heal Your Heart | Hay, L. & Kessler D. | Emotional Health | 120.103 |
You Can Heal Your Life | Hay, Louise | Emotional Health | 120.33.B |
Your Body is your Subconscious Mind | Pert, Candace | Audio | 600.09 |
Your Present: A Half Hour of Peace | Mantell, Susie | Audio | 600.42 |
Your Soul's Compass | Borysenko, J. & Dveirin, E. | Spiritual Health | 130.60 |
Your Soul's Plan | Schwartz, Robert | After Death | 136.38 |
Yours, Mine, and Our Children's Grief | Mertick, Elva | Supporting a Child | 334.15 |
Yukon First Nations Ask About Cancer | Kassi, Norma & Walker, Jody | Cancer | 212.26 |
Zen in the Art of Helping | Brandon, David | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.13 |
Zen of Listening: Mindful Communication in the Age of Distraction | Shafir, Rebecca Z | Supporting the Bereaved | 320.08 |
Zoe et les papillons du souvenir | Bigras, Danielle | French | 900.28 |
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