Thanks for your interest but we don't yet have dates for our next volunteer intake.

Volunteers are at the heart of what we do. Our volunteers give generously of their time and are an essential part of our team. They bring their compassion, diversity, skills and enthusiasm to a wide variety of roles at Hospice Yukon, and we do our best to support and encourage their growth.

Volunteer with clients

All applicants interested in client-focussed volunteering are screened before starting our Volunteer Training Program. This includes a written application form, interview, police check, and references.  We take care to find a good fit between the interests and skills of each volunteer with an appropriate role at Hospice Yukon. Client-focused volunteer roles include:

  • Healing Touch Volunteer
  • Vigil Volunteer
  • Grief Educator
  • Grief Group Facilitator

Client-focussed Volunteer Training takes place when we have an organizational need. 

Client-focussed Volunteer Application form

Volunteer behind the scenes

We value volunteers who help in a range of non-client related roles. Some of the ways these volunteers contribute include helping with the library or newsletter, computer support, research projects, yard maintenance, house repairs, poster distribution, sewing feelie hearts, and more.  

If you are interested in volunteering ‘behind the scenes’ with Hospice Yukon, please fill out this form and return to

Become a Board Member

Hospice Yukon is led by a diverse and dynamic group of volunteers who make up our Board of Directors. Operating according to a Policy Governance model of leadership, our Board provides the vision to guide the direction of the programs and services we offer to the community. 

We welcome new additions to our Board of Directors. If you’re interested to see if this could be a good fit for you, please contact

Become a member

Becoming a member of Hospice Yukon is an important way that you can support the work we do. Members receive our annual publication and can vote at our AGM. The cost is $20 each year (not eligible for a tax receipt). You can become a member or renew your existing membership using this membership link or by contacting the office (see contact info below).