Grieving the death of someone we love is one of the most difficult experiences we will face in life. And although it is hard, it is a natural response to loss and a normal part of life. In meeting our grief – by acknowledging and exploring it – we heal, grow and find inspiration for the future. Hospice Yukon services and resources will help you to better understand this journey and support you as you move through it.
Perhaps you have received information from your doctor that you have a progressive illness that may bring your life to an end sooner than you ever imagined. All kinds of feelings can arise in response to this news: anger, fear, disbelief, numbness, grief, sorrow, relief, peace. You may feel some of these things, all of them, or you may feel numb. You may feel vulnerable and fragile.
Your diagnosis will affect you and everyone who loves you, including family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers and neighbours. As each person in your life processes this new knowledge, you may witness their vulnerabilities and challenges as well. Suddenly, life and death can take on important new meanings.
At Hospice Yukon our services and resources are dedicated to offering comfort and enhancing the quality of life for those facing advanced illness and death.
Information and knowledge can be empowering at a time when so much is unknown and uncertain. The resources offered here can support you through this challenging time.
It is not easy to support someone who is grieving. Often we want to take their pain away – to fix what cannot be fixed. Their pain may trigger our own unhealed grief. We may shy away out of fear of saying the wrong thing.
Simply being there is the truest form of support; our presence is the most valuable thing we have to offer. Hospice Yukon services and resources can help you navigate through difficult times and find ways to be of comfort and support to your family, friends and community.