We love our volunteers! 

Volunteers are at the heart of what we do.  Our volunteers give generously of their time and are an essential part of our team.  They bring their compassion, diversity, skills and enthusiasm to a wide variety of role at Hospice Yukon.

Throughout the year we have opportunities for volunteers to connect with each other over dinners, education opportunities, and other activities.  Our annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and AGM takes place in May every year.

Bénévole auprès des clients

We take care to find a good fit between the interests and skills of each volunteer with an appropriate role at Hospice Yukon.

Client-focused volunteer roles include:

-Healing Touch Volunteer

-Vigil Volunteer

-Volunteer at Community Events (information table or in-service presentations)

-Grief Group Facilitator

If you are interested in volunteering with clients directly please email carlie@hospiceyukon.net to have a further conversation. 

Volunteers are screened to ensure a good fit, including a written application form (or conversation if you prefer), Criminal Record Check, references, and informal interview. 

Client-Focused Volunteer Training takes place when we have an organizational need.  We currently do not have a training scheduled.

Bénévole dans les coulisses

We value volunteers who help in a range of non-client facing roles which help Hospice Yukon run smoothly! These roles include (but are not limited to) helping with the library, preparing for community workshops, preparing information packages, helping with mailouts, research projects and newsletter articles, yard maintenance, house repairs, poster distribution, making feelie hearts, and more.

We welcome high school students who need volunteering hours to meet graduation requirements or are looking for a great way to build their resume and gain skills.

If you are interested in volunteering behind the scenes with Hospice Yukon please email carlie@hospiceyukon.net.

Devenir membre du conseil d'administration

Hospice Yukon est dirigé par un groupe de bénévoles variés et dynamiques qui composent notre conseil d'administration. Fonctionnant selon un modèle de gouvernance politique, notre conseil d'administration fournit la vision nécessaire pour guider l'orientation des programmes et des services que nous offrons à la communauté. 

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir de nouveaux membres au sein de notre conseil d'administration. Si vous souhaitez savoir si cela pourrait vous convenir, veuillez contacter info@hospiceyukon.net.

Devenez membre

Becoming a member of Hospice Yukon is an important way that you can support the work we do. Members receive our annual publication and can vote at our AGM. The cost is $20 each year (not eligible for a tax receipt). You can become a member or renew your existing membership using this membership link or by contacting the office (see contact info below).