Salle de lecture
Support during times of grief or illness can take many different forms. Sometimes reading is what we most need; information that equips us to support ourselves and others, books that validate and reflect our experience, stories of what others have been through, or links to other websites with helpful information.
The Reading Room is where we have gathered a variety of supportive resources. Here, you will find:
Ressources – information packages that address specific kinds of loss (general loss, child loss, pet loss, workplace loss) and other topics of support (self care, living with a life-limiting illness, supporting others). These resources can be downloaded, printed, and shared with others.
Bibliothèque – browse the online catalogue of books available in our lending library. Stop by Hospice Yukon to borrow, or get in touch to arrange having a book mailed to any Yukon community.
Publications – a selection of our best and most informative themed publications containing stories, resources, book reviews and more.
Témoignages – personal stories of loss and healing written by Hospice Yukon Clients, Volunteers and Staff.
Liens – some of our favourite websites and online resources.
Blogue (en anglais)– online articles written by Hospice Yukon staff, Board Members and Volunteers.
Media– an assortment of news links and interesting ideas.