We expect that the effects of the pandemic will continue to be felt in our community for years to come… many Yukoners lost family members, employment, and important social connections. There have been a few “silver linings” at Hospice Yukon, including our increased capacity to offer services remotely across the Yukon.
We’re also noticing that a more open conversation about grief, death and loss is happening across our community. We’re receiving many more phone calls from organizations looking to bring those conversations into their workplaces, and there are popular new sites on social media that are helping to reduce stigma about ‘grief brain’ and the many ways that we need to mourn end-of-life and other losses.
Some of you, reading this, have been trailblazers in bringing more listening, more brave questions, and your big-hearted kindness to supporting this quiet movement towards welcoming more awareness of grief in our lives.
Thank you for your courage. Feel free to lean on us if you want more resources or ideas as you move through your journey. You are not alone.