Healing a Loss through Creativity Free workshop to explore crafts and stories to remember a loved person or pet Connect with other kids Explore what helps when you’re missing your loved one Saturday March 8 1:00 - 4:00 Ages 7 - 12* Caregiver must attend too No cost Registration Required: email carlie@hospiceyukon.net or [...]
Walking with others can be a great way to give yourself some much-needed care when you are grieving the loss of a loved one. This group is a gentle way to connect with others who are grieving. Walking and breathing can help move our emotions. The group walks at an easy pace on the indoor [...]
THIS EVENT IS NOW WAITING LIST ONLY… BUT FEEL FREE TO PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST! Grief affects our whole being…Brain fog, somatic symptoms of grief, rollercoasters of emotions or numbness, low energy, etc. are all normal experiences when grieving. Grief yoga is a gentle way to rebalance energy, support self-care and gently release … Read More
This is a free workshop to help you support yourself and others in times of grief. You will learn about the nature of grief and the various ways it can impact people experiencing different forms of loss, as well as practical tools for self- care that will help you heal and grow through difficult times. [...]
Register now for this two-day workshop that we offer just once a year at beautiful McClintock Bay Resort at Marsh Lake. It is geared towards people who support others in their work... nurses, health and social service workers, therapists, teachers, counsellors, and others. Many jobs that involve supporting and caring for other people also often [...]